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Appian 18.3 New End User experiences.

The newest version is Appian 18.3.Released in Aug 2018.

  1. New Native Mobile UI. Some components were not available earlier. Eg: Multi Column in Card Layout which was released with 18.2 .
  2. New SAIL component “Document Viewer”, a!documentViewerField(). Its like a web browser viewer. Eg: PDF, images, txt, xml.
  3. Email and Mobile Notification, push Notifications for news and sites.
  4. New Site Page Width for Ultra Wide Screens. Page Layout Setting as Full rather than Wide.
  5. Margins on Layouts can be configured. Padding below a layout; marginBelow: {“NONE”, “STANDARD”}
  6. Custom Color for Box Layout.
  7. Shortcut for Date and Time.
    1. Goto Date Field. 
    2. Click Down Arrow. 
    3. Then Press “T” to pick current values. 
    4. To delete (delete /(fn+delete)) clears the values on windows and MAC respectively.   

Just a quick and very brief look on some of the features, will be adding more. For more detailed information with screen prints, below given Release notes link can be referred.

Appian Release Notes 
Appian Documentation
Appian Community


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