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Appian function merge()

Lets have a look at merge() function.

It takes a number of list and combines them to create a new list. Takes an element sequentially from each list and append it to the major list.
Below are some of the examples.

merge({10, 50}, {60, 40})
Value  10; 60; 50; 40

merge({10, 30}, {20, 40, 50})
Value  10; 20; 30; 40; ; 50

merge({10, 30}, {20, 40, 50}, {60})
Value  10; 20; 60; 30; 40; ; ; 50;   #After the last semicolon one elelent exist 

merge({10, 30}, {20, 40, 50}, {60,70,80})
Value  10; 20; 60; 30; 40; 70; ; 50; 80

merge({1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}) returns 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6



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