Use of arrays, rather sorted arrays or a linked list is somewhat difficult because both have their pros and cons. Arrays excel when we have to perform a binary search while it’s faster to add and remove elements from linked lists. A tree is one structure where there is ONLY ONE path to reach to a node. This can be explained further as “Nodes cannot be in closed loop” . Also there is a hierarchical relationship of parent and child. The average complexity varies from logarithmic to linear time. Now coming further to a data structure BSTs aka Binary Search Trees . Points to be remembered here:- Maximum two children. Left child is smaller than parent. Right one is greater than parent. Traversals :- In order Traversal Ascending Sort; left subtree + root+ right subtree. So the above tree will look like: 4, 12, 16, 25, 28, 32 Pre order Traversal Root + left subtree + right subtree recursively. Eg: 25, 12, 4, 16, 32, 28 Po...
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